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eMOTION cODE sessions

Emotion Code is a form of energy healing that helps to identify and release ‘trapped’ emotions.  There are sometimes life events that overwhelm our ability to process and fully feel through the experience.  This might be because the event was especially traumatic, if we were too young and didn’t have the tools or support to understand, or because we were weakened or vulnerable for whatever reason.  These emotional vibrations become part of our energy field, and can result in depression, anxiety, obsessions, feeling ‘stuck’ in life or triggered, physical pains and ailments, or a multitude of other expressions.

In an Emotion Code session, we identify these emotions by speaking directly to your subconscious through your energy field. Your body holds the information from your past, as well as all of the wisdom necessary to heal in the present. There is no need to re-live, or even remember the original event, although you may be very conscious of some of the things that come up for healing. Once the emotion is identified, it is gently released using a special magnet and reiki healing.

For this experience, you remain seated and awake. The only requirement is that you try to remain open, and willing to heal. Some people notice a change in the way they think, feel or react, in the way they engage in relationships, or even have a reduction in pain or relief of physical symptoms.

If you feel that emotional blocks and baggage are preventing you from experiencing love, happiness, or success, sign up to experience the power of Emotion Code!


Get In Touch

Shay Vetterman

cell: (608) 347-1398

Visit me at:

Lovely Salon

(414) 482-7271

3724 S Kinnickinnic Ave

St Francis, WI 53235

See Openings:

Or schedule a home visit!

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